[Tutor] jumping from function to function

David ldl08 at gmx.net
Fri Jan 30 17:30:18 CET 2009

Dear List,

the following comes from Harrington's "Hands-on Python" (section 
1.11.8): http://www.cs.luc.edu/~anh/python/hands-on/


'''Avoiding any error by passing a parameter'''

def main():
     x = 3

def f(whatever):
     print whatever



I am not quite sure what is going on here. Could you please correct my 
line of thought?

1) main() calls the function def main():

2) in function def main(): the actual parameter 3 is given to the 
function call f().

3) f() then "jumps" out of function def main(): to call function
def f(whatever):, whose new value, 3, gets printed.

Is this what is going on? I find it difficult to get my head around this 
Also: does Python go back to the function call main()'s position after 
step 3)? How does that work? Again via def main():???

Cheers for any clarifications,


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