[Tutor] os.system and/or subprocess.call problem...

daychilde at gmail.com daychilde at gmail.com
Fri Jul 10 19:42:09 CEST 2009

: >         self.fh.close
: >
: > Which doesn't show where the vars come from, but I am closing the
: file
: > first.
: Actually, no, it doesn't.  You forgot the () which are needed to
: actually _call_ the close method on the last line.
:    self.fh.close
: is an expression which evaluates to the close method object
: belonging to the file object self.fh belonging to the object
: instance in play here.
:    self.fh.close()
: on the other hand, takes that method and calls it, and evaluates
: to whatever that method call returns.

I don't know whether to be happy it's a stoopid-newbie mistake or not... :)

I am extremely grateful, however, for the help - and I already see one more
reply pointing this out, so to Emile as well, and anyone else -- my hearty
thanks. Think I'll go curl up in a ball in the corner for a while now. ;-)


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