[Tutor] browser encoding standards?

Alan Gauld alan.gauld at btinternet.com
Tue Jul 14 01:47:09 CEST 2009

"Serdar Tumgoren" <zstumgoren at gmail.com> wrote

> The problem I stumbled into is that when I used UTF-8, several
> characters showed up as gobbledygook in my Firefox browser.
> Specifically, the characters "\u201c" and "\u201d" (quote marks) were
> not carrying over. Some googling revealed that I should change my
> browser's default character set. I switched form Western ISO to UTF-8,
> and sure enough, the quote marks appeared correctly.

I don't know the answer but I can commiserate because I had the 
same issue with Firefox on my tutorial. I had edited the raw materials 
topic uising a web editor and the resultant text then had the quotes 
showing up as blocks. I re-edited the file in vim and put back "normal" 
quotes and that seemed to fix it, but given that every other browser 
seemed happy with it, it was annoying.

I'll look forward to the responses from those more familiar with the 
vagaries of multiple encodings on the web...

Alan Gauld
Author of the Learn to Program web site

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