[Tutor] Pythonify this code!

Dave Angel davea at ieee.org
Tue Jul 14 12:54:30 CEST 2009

A.T.Hofkamp wrote:
> <div class="moz-text-flowed" style="font-family: -moz-fixed">Muhammad 
> Ali wrote:
>> def separateToList(num):
>>     """
>>     changes an integer into a list with 0's padded to the left if the 
>> number is in tens or units
>>     """
>>     assert(num <= 255)
>>     s = str(num)
>>     li = []
>>     if len(s) > 2:
>>         li = [s[0:1], s[1:2], s[2:3]]
>>     elif len(s) > 1:
>>         li = [0, s[0:1], s[1:2]]
>>     elif len(s) > 0:
>>         li = [0, 0, s[0:1]]
>>     return map(int, li)
> return [int(v) for v in ("00" + str(num))[-3:]]
> Albert
> </div>
def separateToList(num):
    changes an integer 0-255 into a list of ints, size exactly 3
    return map(int, list(format(num, "03d")))

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