[Tutor] Form values

Emile van Sebille emile at fenx.com
Fri Jul 17 19:13:57 CEST 2009

On 7/17/2009 9:43 AM keithabt at beyondbb.com said...
> Hi, I am reading values from a form and writing them to a text file. I keep getting 
> a syntax error for outfile=open("filename", "a")I cant see it, does any body else.

There isn't an error in the statement.  Try to pare down your code to a 
short example that causes the error.  Then post the actual error and 
code segment.  It's more likely there's an unfinished something before 
this line...


> fileName = "requests.txt"
> # Create instance of FieldStorage 
> Form = cgi.FieldStorage()
> # Get data from fields
> if Form and Form['submit'].value == "Submit":
> 	the_name = Form.getvalue('name')
> 	the_email = Form.getvalue('email')
> 	the_address = Form.getvalue('address')
> 	the_telephone = Form.getvalue('telephone')
> 	IpAddress =  cgi.escape(os.environ["REMOTE_ADDR"]);
> 	Time = "(time.localtime()):", time.asctime(time.localtime())
> 	entry = name + '|' + email + '|' + address + '|' + telephone + '|' + 
> IpAddress + '|' + Time + "\n"
> 	outfile=open("fileName", "a")
> 	outfile.write(entry)
> 	outfile.close()
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