[Tutor] Form values
Rich Lovely
roadierich at googlemail.com
Sat Jul 18 00:49:23 CEST 2009
2009/7/17 <keithabt at beyondbb.com>:
> Hi, I am reading values from a form and writing them to a text file. I keep getting
> a syntax error for outfile=open("filename", "a")I cant see it, does any body else.
> fileName = "requests.txt"
> # Create instance of FieldStorage
> Form = cgi.FieldStorage()
> # Get data from fields
> if Form and Form['submit'].value == "Submit":
> the_name = Form.getvalue('name')
> the_email = Form.getvalue('email')
> the_address = Form.getvalue('address')
> the_telephone = Form.getvalue('telephone')
> IpAddress = cgi.escape(os.environ["REMOTE_ADDR"]);
> Time = "(time.localtime()):", time.asctime(time.localtime())
> entry = name + '|' + email + '|' + address + '|' + telephone + '|' +
> IpAddress + '|' + Time + "\n"
> outfile=open("fileName", "a")
> outfile.write(entry)
> outfile.close()
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There is an error before there:
In the line
entry = name + '|' + email + '|' + address + '|' + telephone + '|' +
IpAddress + '|' + Time + "\n"
None of the names are defined except IpAddress and Time. Everything
else has "the_" prepended when it is defined earlier in the code, but,
as you can see, not in the line were they are accessed.
Rich "Roadie Rich" Lovely
There are 10 types of people in the world: those who know binary,
those who do not, and those who are off by one.
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