[Tutor] reading complex data types from text file

Chris Castillo ctcast at gmail.com
Sun Jul 19 07:15:16 CEST 2009

so could I also replace the score of each bowler (key value) in the
dictionary with a new key such as "below average" or "above average"
according to each if-elif-else structure and then write to a text file in
the following format?

Jim     Above Average
Sue    Below Average
Bob    Perfect score

On Fri, Jul 17, 2009 at 12:48 PM, bob gailer <bgailer at gmail.com> wrote:

> Chris Castillo wrote:
>> how would i go about adding the names to a dictionary as a key and the
>> scores as a value in this code?
>>  # refactored for better use of Python, correct logic, and flow
> scores = {} # empty dictionary
> total = 0
> for line in open("bowlingscores.txt", "r"):
>   if line.strip().isdigit():
>       score = int(line)
>       scores[name] = score
>       total += score
>   else:
>       name = line.strip()
> averageScore = total / len(scores)
> fileOut = open("bowlingaverages.txt", "w")
> fileOut.write("Bowling Report\n" + ("-" * 50) + "\n")
> for name, score in scores.items():
>  if score == 300:
>      score = "\tPerfect score!"
>  elif score < averageScore:
>      score = "\tBelow average"
>  elif score > averageScore:
>      score = "\tAbove average!"
>  else:
>      score = "\tAverage!"
>  print name, score
> --
> Bob Gailer
> Chapel Hill NC
> 919-636-4239
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