[Tutor] paramiko list user said,

Matt Herzog msh at blisses.org
Mon Jul 20 23:24:16 CEST 2009

A user of the paramiko mailing list said,

"Paramiko has an SFTPClient class and an SSHClient that can be used to                transfer files, why complicate it by using a Transport directly. The                 easiest thing is to open an SSHClient:                                               c=paramiko.SSHClient()                                                               c.connect(username=username_, password=password_, hostname=hostname_)                s=c.open_sftp()                                                                      s.get/put                                                                            etc..           "

He lost me on the s.get/put part. I suppose he means s.get(remotepath, localpath)
 . . . or something.

I fear you speak upon the rack,
Where men enforced do speak anything.

- William Shakespeare

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