[Tutor] renaming files within a directory
Dave Angel
davea at ieee.org
Mon Jul 27 15:01:58 CEST 2009
davidwilson at Safe-mail.net wrote:
> Here is the updated viersion:
> ---
> import glob
> import csv
> from os import rename
> countries =}
> reader =sv.reader(open("countries.csv"))
> for row in reader:
> code, name =ow
> countries[name] =ode
> files =et([file for file in glob.glob('Flag_of_*.svg')])
> for file in files:
> file =ile[8:-4]
> if file.startswith('the_'):
> file =ile[4:]
> if countries.has_key(file):
> b =flag-'+ countries[file] + '.svg'
> print b
> rename(file, b)
> But I cannot get the rename to take effect and I get an error:
> $ python rename_svg.py
> Uganda flag-ug.svg
> Traceback (most recent call last):
> File "rename_svg.py", line 21, in <module>
> rename(file, b)
> OSError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory
> What am I missing?
> -------- Original Message --------
> From: Kent Johnson <kent37 at tds.net>
> Apparently from: kent3737 at gmail.com
> To: davidwilson at safe-mail.net
> Cc: mail at timgolden.me.uk, tutor at python.org
> Subject: Re: [Tutor] renaming files within a directory
> Date: Mon, 27 Jul 2009 07:01:32 -0400
>> On Mon, Jul 27, 2009 at 5:10 AM, <davidwilson at safe-mail.net> wrote:
>>> files =et([file for file in os.listdir(os.getcwd()) if file.endswith('svg')])
>>> print len(files)
>>> for file in files:
>>> file =ile.strip('.svg')
>>> print file
>>> # if countries.has_key(file):
>>> # print file
>>> When I run this I get:
>>> Flag_of_Uganda
>>> ...
>>> The problem is that for example the file Flag_of_the_United_States.svg when I use the strip('.svg') it is returned as Flag_of_the_United_State
>>> Also, How do I remove 'Flag_of', 'Flag_of_the_'
>> I suggest you use glob.glob() instead of os.listdir():
>> files =lob.glob('Flag_of_*.svg)
>> Then you know that each file name starts with Flag_of_ and ends with
>> .svg. To remove them, since they are fixed strings you can just use
>> slicing;
>> file =ile[8:-4]
>> if file.startswith('the_'):
>> file =ile[4:]
>> Kent
> (Please don't top-post on this mailing list. It hopelessly confuses which order the quoted messages come.)
One reason the rename() will fail is that you're changing file between
the for loop and the rename. Incidentally, file is a lousy name to use,
since it already has a meaning in the std lib. It's the type of the
object you get from open(), or from glob.glog().
I didn't check the rest, but for this change, you'd get:
for infile in files:
country = infile[8:-4]
if country.startswith('the_'):
country = country[4:]
if countries.has_key(file):
b = 'flag-'+ countries[country] + '.svg'
print b
rename(file, b)
BTW, several other characters were dropped in your email. Did you
retype the code (bad), or use cut/paste?
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