[Tutor] How to use Python 2.6 with IDLE?

Alan Gauld alan.gauld at btinternet.com
Mon Jul 27 23:32:02 CEST 2009

"Dick Moores" <rdmoores at gmail.com> wrote

>> So edit the Target field of the shortcut to say:
>> E:\Python26\pythonw.exe E:\Programs\Ulipad37\ulipad.pyw
> No, I'd already tried that. Doesn't work. Nothing happens.

OK, You could try changing pythonw.exe tyo python.exe to
bring up a console and watch for errors there....

Or just try typing the command into a console session till
you get one that works!

>> In other words explicitly specify both the interpreter and the file 
>> rather than
>> relying on Windows file associations.
>> And if that fails to work, the lasst resort is to write a batch file 
>> that calls
>> the right file with the rigt interpreter and then create a shortcut to 
>> that!
> Any chance you could write that batch file for me?

Look at the one used for IDLE in standard python - idle.bat.

Just copy and edit it as suggested by someone earlier.

Finally, never having used ulipad, is it the interpreter called by the 
that you are trying to change? Or the interpretor that runs the editor?
When you say "nothing happens" do you mean the editor doesn't start?
Or just that it still uses the wrong version of Python?

If it's the interpreter used by the editor to run programs that may be
defined in ulipad's config details somewhere - either an ini file or
in the registry.  In which case find it and edit it manually.
Or it could be by ulipad reading it from the environment - in which
case there won't be much you can do!


Alan Gauld
Author of the Learn to Program web site

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