[Tutor] Getting Data from a Web Page

Paras K. paras80 at gmail.com
Tue Jul 28 00:47:41 CEST 2009

First let me say this mailing list is GREAT!!! Has helped me out through
many things.

I have written some code with Python that currently goes through a directory
of all csv files and pulls out the lines that are needed by this program.

These csv files have the following information:

IP Address, Activity, Count, Date

Currently the code looks at the IP address and if it is part of the range
overall range then it writes it to a new csv file.

I have two things that I would like to improve on:

1) If the IP address falls within a specific range I want it to add an
indicator at the end of it like -- NONDHCP IP
(I believe I know how to do this, but any suggestion would be great)

2) If the IP is a DHCP IP -- I want it to be able to get the data from a
webpage -- this webpage has like user information and etc.
Is there any way to do that?

Thank You for all your help in advance!!!

-- Paras
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