[Tutor] how to get blank value

amrita at iisermohali.ac.in amrita at iisermohali.ac.in
Tue Jul 28 15:23:00 CEST 2009

Sorry to say, but till now I have not got the solution of my problem, I
tried with this command:-

import re

if __name__ == '__main__':
     data = open('chem.txt').readlines()
     for line in data:
         RE = re.compile('C = (.)',re.M)
         matches = RE.findall(line)
         for m in matches:
             print line

but with this also I am getting those lines for which C value is there.

> Hi,
> I have a file having lines:-
> 48 ALA H = 8.33 N = 120.77 CA = 55.18 HA = 4.12 C = 181.50
> 104 ALA H = 7.70 N = 121.21 CA = 54.32 HA = 4.21 C =
> 85 ALA H = 8.60 N =  CA =  HA = 4.65 C =
> Now i want to make two another file in which i want to put those lines for
> which C is missing and another one for which N,CA and C all are missing,
> With these commands:-
> import re
> f = open('chem.txt')
> for line in f:
>      if re.search('C = ',line):
>         print line
> I am getting those lines for which C value is there but how to get those
> one for which it doesn't have any value, i did google search but still i
> am not getting.
> Amrita Kumari
> Research Fellow
> IISER Mohali
> Chandigarh

Amrita Kumari
Research Fellow
IISER Mohali

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