[Tutor] curve fitting

Eike Welk eike.welk at gmx.net
Wed Jul 29 15:42:31 CEST 2009

On Wednesday 29 July 2009, Bala subramanian wrote:
> Friends,
> I wish to do some curve fitting with python by defining my own
> equations. Could someone please give some guidance or examples on
> doing the same.

You can use the Numpy/Scipy libraries for that. I think they have 
examples for curve fitting on their website. But unfortunately the 
website is down (or my Internet is broken).


There are also special mailing lists for Numpy/Scipy/Matplotlib users, 
to which you should subscribe. This one would be good for your 

If I understand you right, you have a formula with some parameters. 
Now you are searching for parameter values so that the formula really 
goes through the data points. This is a task for optimization 

Kind regards,

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