[Tutor] delphi, pascal and Python

Andy Cheesman cheesman at titan.physx.u-szeged.hu
Tue Jun 2 12:47:31 CEST 2009

After Much Looking and pointers from the author, There is this most
excellent post by the same author at


This nearly works but I have issue with the linking of the new module. The
error is

Linking PyMinMod.so
/usr/bin/ld: Python: No such file: No such file or directory

I've no clue what the issue is and I don't understand what should be going
on. I'm running 64bit ubuntu. I know this might be a bit off topic, but if
someone could point me in the right direction, I would be rather grateful


> "Marc Tompkins" <marc.tompkins at gmail.com> wrote
>>>  Is there a Method for wrapping delphi and/or pascal code into python
>>> like
>>>> SWIG?
>>> http://membres.lycos.fr/marat/delphi/python.htm
>> That's a package to let you embed Python in Delphi; the OP wants to go
>> the
>> other direction.
> So it is, I didn't read the OP question closely enough.
> On Windows you could create a DLL and use ctypes to access it,
> but thats not the same as creating an importable module as could
> be done with SWIG
> Alan G.
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