[Tutor] serious problem with graphics module

Gregor Lingl gregor.lingl at aon.at
Fri Jun 5 00:07:55 CEST 2009

Alan Gauld schrieb:
> "W W" <srilyk at gmail.com> wrote
>> Do you (or sombody else) know how to get ipython working with Python 2.6
>> (you know, the Python release, which has that new turtle module ;-)   )
>> doesn't install on my Windows box... other than that I've got no 
>> experience
>> with it
> I thought the new turtle module could be made to work on 2.5
> as well as 2.6? And IPython plays with 2.5 OK. So if its only the turtle
> module thats needed it should work?
> Or am I mistaken in the 2.5 turtle compatibility?
Not at all.

But possibly I'mgoing to give a tutorial on turtle.py at EuroPython
(depending on the number of attendees). There I'd like to use
Python 2.6 (as it is the most recent release of the 2.x branch and
contains turtle.py already). That's why I asked.

(There are some postings in some forums on using IPython
with Python 2.6 but the advice to install it I found there
didn't work for me)

And, Alan, some months ago you complained not to come to
Pycon. Will you attend EuroPython? Would be nice to meet
you there.


> Alan G.
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