[Tutor] Need better understanding of **kwargs

bob gailer bgailer at gmail.com
Sat Jun 6 20:24:53 CEST 2009

Eduardo Vieira wrote:
> Hello, I thought I understood **kwargs until I stumbled with this function:
> def changeflexion(myword, mytag, **dicty):
>     global er_verbs
>     global ar_verbs
>     global ir_verbs
> #    global dicty
>     for item in dicty:
>         if myword in item and mytag in item[1]:
>             if dicty[item].endswith('ar'):
>                 ending = item[0].replace(dicty[item][:-2], "")
>                 try:
>                     return dicty[item][:-2] + ar_verbs[ending]
>                 except KeyError:
>                     return item[0]
>             elif dicty[item].endswith('er'):
>                 ending = item[0].replace(dicty[item][:-2], "")
>                 try:
>                     return dicty[item][:-2] + er_verbs[ending]
>                 except KeyError:
>                     return item[0]
>             elif dicty[item].endswith('ir'):
>                 ending = item[0].replace(dicty[item][:-2], "")
>                 try:
>                     return dicty[item][:-2] + ir_verbs[ending]
>                 except KeyError:
>                     return item[0]
>             else:
>                 return item[0]
> but when I import the module and call:
> a = conjugate.changeflexion('estaban', 'VLFin', conjugate.mydict)
> I get this error:
> TypeError: changeflexion() takes exactly 2 arguments (3 given)

**dicty accumulates any name=value pairs in the call into a dictionary.

> Isn't the 3rd argument supposed to be a dictionary?
If you want that remove the ** from dicty.

Bob Gailer
Chapel Hill NC

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