[Tutor] gui problem

Essah Mitges e_mitges at hotmail.com
Sat Jun 6 22:20:29 CEST 2009

from math import sin, cos, pi
import pygame
displayWidth = 640displayHeight = 480fpsLimit = 90
def sinInterpolation(start, end, steps=30):    values = [start]    delta = end - start    for i in range(1, steps):        n = (pi / 2.0) * (i / float(steps - 1))        values.append(start + delta * sin(n))    return values
class RotatingMenu:    def __init__(self, x, y, radius, arc=pi*2, defaultAngle=0, wrap=False):        """        @param x:            The horizontal center of this menu in pixels.                @param y:            The vertical center of this menu in pixels.                @param radius:            The radius of this menu in pixels(note that this is the size of            the circular path in which the elements are placed, the actual            size of the menu may vary depending on item sizes.        @param arc:            The arc in radians which the menu covers. pi*2 is a full circle.                @param defaultAngle:            The angle at which the selected item is found.                @param wrap:            Whether the menu should select the first item after the last one            or stop.        """        self.x = x        self.y = y        self.radius = radius        self.arc = arc        self.defaultAngle = defaultAngle        self.wrap = wrap                self.rotation = 0        self.rotationTarget = 0        self.rotationSteps = [] #Used for interpolation                self.items = []        self.selectedItem = None        self.selectedItemNumber = 0        def addItem(self, item):        self.items.append(item)        if len(self.items) == 1:            self.selectedItem = item        def selectItem(self, itemNumber):        if self.wrap == True:            if itemNumber> len(self.items) - 1: itemNumber = 0            if itemNumber < 0: itemNumber = len(self.items) - 1        else:            itemNumber = min(itemNumber, len(self.items) - 1)            itemNumber = max(itemNumber, 0)                self.selectedItem.deselect()        self.selectedItem = self.items[itemNumber]        self.selectedItem.select()                self.selectedItemNumber = itemNumber                self.rotationTarget = - self.arc * (itemNumber / float(len(self.items) - 1))                self.rotationSteps = sinInterpolation(self.rotation,                                              self.rotationTarget, 45)        def rotate(self, angle):        """@param angle: The angle in radians by which the menu is rotated.        """        for i in range(len(self.items)):            item = self.items[i]            n = i / float(len(self.items) - 1)            rot = self.defaultAngle + angle + self.arc * n                        item.x = self.x + cos(rot) * self.radius            item.y = self.y + sin(rot) * self.radius        def update(self):        if len(self.rotationSteps)> 0:            self.rotation = self.rotationSteps.pop(0)            self.rotate(self.rotation)        def draw(self, display):        """@param display: A pyGame display object        """        for item in self.items:            item.draw(display)
class MenuItem:    def __init__(self, text="Option"):        self.text = text                self.defaultColor = (255,255,255)        self.selectedColor = (255,0,0)        self.color = self.defaultColor                self.x = 0        self.y = 0 #The menu will edit these                self.font = pygame.font.Font(None, 20)        self.image = self.font.render(self.text, True, self.color)        size = self.font.size(self.text)        self.xOffset = size[0] / 2        self.yOffset = size[1] / 2        def select(self):        """Just visual stuff"""        self.color = self.selectedColor        self.redrawText()        def deselect(self):        """Just visual stuff"""        self.color = self.defaultColor        self.redrawText()        def redrawText(self):        self.font = pygame.font.Font(None, 20)        self.image = self.font.render(self.text, True, self.color)        size = self.font.size(self.text)        self.xOffset = size[0] / 2        self.yOffset = size[1] / 2        def draw(self, display):        display.blit(self.image, (self.x-self.xOffset, self.y-self.yOffset))
def main():    pygame.init()        display = pygame.display.set_mode((displayWidth, displayHeight))    clock = pygame.time.Clock()        menu = RotatingMenu(x=320, y=240, radius=220, arc=pi, defaultAngle=pi/2.0)        for i in range(4):        menu.addItem(MenuItem("Option" + str(i)))    menu.selectItem(0)        #Loop    while True:        #Handle events        events = pygame.event.get()        for event in events:            if event.type == pygame.QUIT:                return False            if event.type == pygame.KEYDOWN:                if event.key == pygame.K_LEFT:                    menu.selectItem(menu.selectedItemNumber + 1)                if event.key == pygame.K_RIGHT:                    menu.selectItem(menu.selectedItemNumber - 1)                #Update stuff        menu.update()                #Draw stuff        display.fill((0,0,0))        menu.draw(display)        pygame.display.flip() #Show the updated scene        clock.tick(fpsLimit) #Wait a little
if __name__ == "__main__":    main()

I want to change this menu so I can use my own background in .png 800x532 and add 4 buttons 175x40 in .png one that initiates a .py called Guns.pyone that links you to a highscores.txt file thats read onlyone that links you to another .png file with the ability to go back to the main menuOne that terminates the window

Attention all humans. We are your photos. Free us.
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