[Tutor] Need a solution.
david at abbottdavid.com
Sat Jun 13 18:01:46 CEST 2009
Alan Gauld wrote:
> "David" <david at abbottdavid.com> wrote
>>> class GuessError(Exception): pass
>>> class GuessedNumber:
>>> def __init__(self,tries=None,limits=None):...
>>> def generate(self, limits=None):...
>>> def __cmp__(self, aNumber):
>>> if self.count >= self.tries: raise GuessError
>> Thanks always for the feedback, i came up with this, not sure if it is
>> much better but I am learning as I prod along :)
> The big problem from an OO point of view is that you are not making the
> objects do any work. You are extracting the data from inside them and
> you are doing all the work in your main function. In OOP we should be
> trying to make the objects do everything and the main function just does
> some high level coordination.
> If you make your GuessedNumber class have comparison methods you can
> avoid much of that. And if you put the counting code inside the
> comparison that could save a lot of effort in main too. Remember that in
> theory you shold not know what data is inside the object. You should
> only interact with objects via their published operations.
>> #!/usr/bin/python
>> from random import randrange
>> from sys import exit
>> class GuessedNumber:
>> def __init__(self, attempts=None):
>> self.attempts = attempts
>> self.number = randrange(1,99)
> Any time you have a class that just has an __init__ it means its not
> doing anything. And that's a bad sign. Classes are there to *do* things
> not just store data. We can use a tuple or dictionary to do that.
>> class Counter:
>> def __init__(self):
>> self.value = 0
>> def step(self):
>> self.value += 1
>> def current(self):
>> return self.value
> Whilst this is OK,, because it does something, its a lot of code to wrap
> an integer. I personally wouldn't bother. But at least it is doing
> things :-)
>> def play():
>> c = Counter()
>> guessit = GuessedNumber(attempts=5)
>> target_number = guessit.number
>> attempts = guessit.attempts
> See, here is the problem, you create an object then immediately extract
> all the data and then just ignore the object. You might as well just
> assign the values to variables
>> guess = int(raw_input('Guess-> '))
>> c.step()
>> while c.current() < attempts:
> So why not
> while c.current() < guessit.attempts
> use the object, thats why its there
>> try:
>> if guess == target_number:
> Whereas this could have been
> if guess == guessIt
>> print "Well Done"
>> play_again()
>> elif guess < target_number:
> and elif guess < guessit
>> print 'Higher ... '
>> guess = int(raw_input('Guess Again-> '))
>> c.step()
>> elif guess > target_number:
>> print 'Lower ... '
>> guess = int(raw_input('Guess Again-> '))
>> c.step()
>> except ValueError:
>> print 'You must enter a number'
>> pass
>> print 'Too many attempts, the number was', target_number
>> play_again()
>> def play_again():
>> answer = raw_input('Do you want to try again? y/n ')
>> answer = answer.lower()
>> if answer == 'y':
>> play()
>> else:
>> exit()
> This recursive approach will work most of the time but remember that
> Python does limit recursion to 1000 levels so if your player was very
> keen you could run out of levels. A normal loop would be safer.
> HTH,
> Alan G.
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Ok, I think I am getting somewhere now :)
from random import randrange
from sys import exit
class GuessedNumber:
def __init__(self, count=0, attempts=None):
self.attempts = attempts
self.number = randrange(1,99)
self.count = count
def step(self):
self.count += 1
def current(self):
return self.count
def play():
guessit = GuessedNumber(attempts=5)
guess = int(raw_input('Guess-> '))
while guessit.current() < guessit.attempts:
if guess == guessit.number:
print "Well Done"
elif guess < guessit.number:
print 'Higher ... '
guess = int(raw_input('Guess Again-> '))
elif guess > guessit.number:
print 'Lower ... '
guess = int(raw_input('Guess Again-> '))
except ValueError:
print 'You must enter a number'
print 'Too many attempts, the number was', guessit.number
def play_again():
answer = raw_input('Do you want to try again? y/n ')
answer = answer.lower()
if answer == 'y':
if __name__ == "__main__":
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