[Tutor] Need a solution.

ALAN GAULD alan.gauld at btinternet.com
Sat Jun 13 18:37:52 CEST 2009

> Ok, I think I am getting somewhere now :)

A lot better, now add the comparison methods:

> class GuessedNumber:
>     def __init__(self, count=0, attempts=None):
>         self.attempts = attempts
>         self.number = randrange(1,99)
>         self.count = count
>     def step(self):
>         self.count += 1
>     def current(self):
>         return self.count

       def __lt__(self,other):     
            return self.number < other
       def __gt__(self,other):
            return self.number > other
       def __eq__(self,other):
            return  self.numer == other

[caveat: There are better ways of doing this but this illustrates 
             the principle most clearly!]

And now you can write your tests as
> def play():
>     guessit = GuessedNumber(attempts=5)
>     guess = int(raw_input('Guess-> '))
>     guessit.step()
>     while guessit.current() < guessit.attempts:
>         try:

              if guess == guessit



Alan G.

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