[Tutor] Help needed

Raj Medhekar cosmicsand27 at yahoo.com
Tue Jun 16 23:46:04 CEST 2009

So I figured out the solution to the missing letter and I will post my code here. But I still need help figuring out the other stuff (please see my original message included in this email)! Thanks for putting up with me. Python is slowly but surely coming to me! I am psyched since this is the first programming language that I am learning! Thanks all for the assistance!


New Code:
# Backward message
# program gets message from user then prints it out backwards

message = raw_input("Enter your message: ")

print message

high = len(message)
low = -len(message)

while begin != "":
    begin = int(high)

    if begin:
        end = int(low)

        print "Your message backwards is",
        print message[::-1]

raw_input("\n\nPress the enter key to exit")

My Original message:

I had previously emailed y'all regarding inverting a message input by
the user of the program backwards. After much contemplation on your
earlier replies I came up with the code I have included in this email.
The problem I am having with this code is that the the first character
of the message that is reversed does not come up. Is there a solution
to this? For my message that I input I used "take this" to test it, use
the same message when the program prompts you to enter the message and
run it, you'll see what I mean. Also is there a way to say reverse the
string in a way so the reversed string would result to "this take" if
you use my example? And is there a way to stop the loop without the use
of break? Thanks for the help!


My Code:

# Backward message
# program gets message from user then prints it out backwards

message = raw_input("Enter your message: ")

print message

high = len(message)
low = -len(message)

while begin != "":
    begin = int(high)

    if begin:
        end = int(low)

        print "Your message backwards is",
        print message[begin:end:-1]

raw_input("\n\nPress the enter key to exit")

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