[Tutor] Misunderstanding the Entry Widget

Alan Gauld alan.gauld at btinternet.com
Sun Mar 8 19:07:49 CET 2009

"Alan Gauld" <alan.gauld at btinternet.com> wrote 

>> Yep, when I bowed of programming long ago, I had Ousterhout's
> It was a good book in its day but is now well overdue an update.

And lo and behold, listed on Amazon is the 2nd edition due 
in August 2009!

How's that for service :-)

BTW I also noticed that there is also now an O'Reilly pocket 
reference which might be even more useful to Python Tkinter 
users than the Nutshell - smaller and cheaper and even more 
terse! Although it doesn't appear to cover Tix...

Alan G.

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