[Tutor] wxPython vs PyQt

Kent Johnson kent37 at tds.net
Mon Mar 16 15:43:10 CET 2009

2009/3/16 Elena of Valhalla <elena.valhalla at gmail.com>:
> 2009/3/16 Neven Goršić <neven.gorsic at gmail.com>:
>> I just would like to correct my incomplete PyQT pricing list from
>> above and mislead none.
>> If you intent to write commercial programs you have to pay:
>> 400 EURO   for PyQT     AND    3000 EURO  for QT !!!
> actually, QT is moving to LGPL, so in the near future you may be able
> not to pay anything even for writing some proprietary programs

Qt is available now under LGPL. PyQt is still GPL / Commercial AFAICT.

> anyway, you're still free to use the GPL version to play around with
> it and to develop free software apps

Yes, but be careful with the playing around - "Both the Qt and PyQt
Commercial Licenses prevent you from developing code using the GPL
versions and subsequently selling that code under the commercial
license. You must purchase a commercial license at the start of your
development. "


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