[Tutor] list.replace -- string.swap

A.T.Hofkamp a.t.hofkamp at tue.nl
Tue Mar 17 12:45:23 CET 2009

Hello Denis,

spir wrote:
> Is there a list.replace builtin I cannot find? Or a workaround?

You didn't find it because it does not exist.

You should do something like

[f(x) for x in old_lst]

where f(x) implements the replacement.

> Also: How would perform string.swap(s1, s2) in the following cases:
> * There is no secure 'temp' char, meaning that
> 	s.replace(s1,temp).replace(s2,s1).replace(temp,s2)
>   will fail because any char can be part of s.

split on s1, replace all pieces s2 -> s1, join with s2 ?

pieces = txt.split(s1)
pieces = [p.replace(s2, s1) for p in pieces]
text = s2.join(pieces)

which may not work if s1 and s2 overlap, but that case was not described above.


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