[Tutor] Gtk time control and Glade

Robert Berman bermanrl at cfl.rr.com
Tue Mar 17 18:01:31 CET 2009

Thank you Chris, that will certainly get me started.


Chris Fuller wrote:
> Make your own.  You can have empty containers in glade that you fill in at 
> runtime, or you could create the interface in glade, perhaps a couple of 
> ComboBoxes.  I would leave an empty container and create a reusable widget 
> descended from gtk.HBox that implements validation or anything else that it 
> would need to do.  Maybe it could default to the current time, for instance.
> I know its possible to configure glade to use custom widgets, but I've never 
> bothered to learn about since it's so easy (and free of caveats that I might 
> become subject to) to leave empty space for runtime use.
> Here's a quick and dirty (and untested!) example:
> class TimeEntry(gtk.HBox):
>     def __init__(self):
>         gtk.HBox.__init__(self)
>         self.hr = \
>         w = gtk.ComboBox()
>         for i in range(24):
>             w.append_text('%02d'%(i,))
>         self.pack_start(w, False, False, 0)
>         w.show()
>         w = gtk.Label(':')
>         self.pack_start(w, False, False, 0)
>         w.show()
>         self.min = \
>         w = gtk.ComboBox()
>         for i in range(60):
>             w.append_text('%02d'%(i,))
>         self.pack_start(w, False, False, 0)
>         w.show()
>     def get(self):
>         return '%02d:%02d' % (self.hr.get_active(),self.min.get_active())
> Cheers
> On Tuesday 17 March 2009 09:25, Robert Berman wrote:
>> I am writing a Blood-Glucose Analysis application for Diabetics. I am
>> using Python 2.5 under Ubuntu 8.10 and Glade 3.4.5.
>> Manually recorded test results require a calendar control for the date
>> of the test (no problem) and a timer control for the time of the
>> test(big problem). While Glade certainly supports a calender control
>> with a great deal of documentation, there is not an available time
>> control for Glade. Nor was I able to find a general time control for
>> Gtk. I did find one for wxwidgets but I am not using wxwidgets nor am I
>> using PyQt.
>> I am reasonably sure such a control exists. I know I'm not the only
>> individual who needs date and time controls. But, using Google has
>> provided all kinds of information, there has not been a specific
>> statement about any specific controls. At this time I do not feel I have
>> the level of expertise to build my own control and it is something I
>> would rather not have to do.
>> Have any of you heard of such an available time control specifically for
>> Gtk and available or capable of being used by Glade.
>> Thank you for any insights and suggestions.
>> Robert Berman
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