[Tutor] adding dictionary values

Emad Nawfal (عماد نوفل) emadnawfal at gmail.com
Sat Mar 21 10:46:43 CET 2009

2009/3/20 Kent Johnson <kent37 at tds.net>

> 2009/3/20 Emad Nawfal (عماد نوفل) <emadnawfal at gmail.com>:
> > if I want to do this with more than two dictionaries, the obvious
> solution
> > for me is to use something like the reduce functions with a list of
> > dictionary names like:
> > dictList = [dict1, dict2, dict3]
> > newDict = reduce(addDicts, dictList)
> >
> > Is this a satisfactory solution?
> This will do some extra copying, as addDicts() always copies the first
> argument. You would do better with something like
> def addToDict(a, b):
>    for k,v in b.iteritems():
>        a[k] += v
>   return a
> newDict = reduce(addDictTo, dictList[1:], defaultdict(int, dictList[0]))
> or rewrite addDicts() to take a variable number of arguments and loop
> over the args.
> Kent
Thanks Kent and All. I appreciate your helpfulness

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"No victim has ever been more repressed and alienated than the truth"

Emad Soliman Nawfal
Indiana University, Bloomington
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