[Tutor] Evaluating Swahili Part of Speech Tagging

Carnell, James E jecarnell at saintfrancis.com
Tue Mar 24 19:02:31 CET 2009

Ok I think I understand now (maybe?)

#=============== Current Version ======================

# Segmenter + POS Tagger output file		# Gold Standard File
the Determiner			=	The Determiner
whocame Noun			!=	man Noun
to Preposition			!=	who RelativePronoun
us AccusativePluralPronoun	!=	to Preposition
is CopulaPresent			!=	us
an Determiner			!=	is CopulaPresent
engineer Noun			!=	an Determiner
					!=	engineer Noun
correct	1	
numErrorSegments	1	
ErrorSegmentLength	7	
#=============== Corrected Version ======================

# Segmenter + POS Tagger output file		# Gold Standard File
the Determiner			=	The Determiner
whocame Noun			!=	man Noun
					!=	who RelativePronoun
to Preposition			=	to Preposition
us AccusativePluralPronoun	=	us AccusativePluralPronoun
is CopulaPresent			=	is CopulaPresent
an Determiner			=	an Determiner
engineer Noun			=	engineer Noun
correct	6	
numErrorSegments	1	
ErrorSegmentLength	2	

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