[Tutor] problem of windmill on ssl website

Alan Gauld alan.gauld at btinternet.com
Wed Mar 25 19:03:49 CET 2009

"Coco Yeh" <cocoyeh at pacbell.net> wrote 

>I have problem using windmill with a ssl website (https).  
> The browser does not go to the website, showing a tutor page instead. 
> How can I resolve this?

My initial response was to say "ask on a windmill list," 
but, not having heard of windmill, I googled and discovered that 
this is a Python package on the Wiki. Although it is still in Beta. 

I think my initial response is probably still right, its a bit off 
mainstream for the tutor list. But somebody might be using it, 
you never know.


Alan G.

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