[Tutor] incrementing one minute

Sander Sweers sander.sweers at gmail.com
Mon Mar 30 17:27:40 CEST 2009

2009/3/30 pa yo <payo2000 at gmail.com>:
> I need to add one minute to a string that has a date and a time in
> e.g:  200903281346 should become 200903281347
> the following script converts the string into time and adds one
> minute; but somehow I also add an hour and I don't understand why.
> ====================
> import time
> #set the initial time as a string and convert it into time format:
> fromtimestring = '200903281346'
> fromtimetime = time.strptime(fromtimestring, "%Y%m%d%H%M")
> #convert this time format into UNIX time (seconds since the start of UNIX time):
> fromtimeseconds = time.mktime(fromtimetime)
> #add 60 seconds and reformat the result into the YYYYMMDDHHMM format
> totimeseconds = fromtimeseconds + 60
> totimetime = time.gmtime(totimeseconds)
> # convert the new time into a string:
> totimestring = time.strftime("%Y%m%d%H%M", totimetime)
> #print the results:
> print (fromtimestring)
> print (fromtimetime)
> print (totimetime)
> print (totimestring)
> ================
> any help or suggestions would be much appreciated.

You could do this with datetime and timedelta from the datetime module.

>>> from datetime import datetime, timedelta
>>> fromtimetime = datetime.strptime('200903281346', '%Y%m%d%H%M')
>>> fromtimetime
datetime.datetime(2009, 3, 28, 13, 46)
>>> delta = timedelta(seconds=60)
>>> delta
datetime.timedelta(0, 60)
>>> fromtimetime + delta
datetime.datetime(2009, 3, 28, 13, 47)
>>> datetime.strftime(fromtimetime + delta, '%Y%m%d%H%M')


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