[Tutor] Automated function creation / outsourcing code

Noufal Ibrahim noufal at nibrahim.net.in
Tue Mar 31 20:14:44 CEST 2009

Oxymoron wrote:
> I think you're looking for refactoring features, in this particular
> case, a compose method/function refactor.
> Generally, generic editors will have trouble doing this right since it
> requires some inferencing capability on the selected code, your best
> bet is probably googling Python-aware IDEs with refactoring support,
> something like PyDev (http://pydev.sourceforge.net) or eric
> (http://eric-ide.python-projects.org/).

I don't know if this actually addresses your concerns but Bicycle repair 
man (http://bicyclerepair.sourceforge.net/) is a python refactoring tool 
that has bindings for vim and Emacs which are quite common amongst 


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