[Tutor] range() fractional increment

Alan Gauld alan.gauld at btinternet.com
Tue Mar 31 23:21:24 CEST 2009

"james carnell" <jimcarnell at yahoo.com> wrote

> example:
> x0000 row = 25 : col = 10
> x0000 row = 26 : col = 10.3
> x0000 row = 27 : col = 10.6
> 0x000 row = 28 : col = 11

> for col in range(10,12, 0.3): #<- Crash Bang doesn't work 0.3 = zero = 
> infinite loop?

If you know the limits (rather than their being variables) you can do

for n in range(100,120,3)
     n = n/10

But if you have variable range limits then a generator
or while loop are your best bets I think.

Alan G
Author of the Learn to Program web site

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