[Tutor] Reset while loop
Alan Gauld
alan.gauld at btinternet.com
Thu May 7 00:40:39 CEST 2009
"David" <david at abbottdavid.com> wrote
> Alan, thanks for your time and great tips :)
You're welcome, I was in a hurry so wasn't sure I understood fully.
> Here is what I came up with;
> def print_log_end(fname, bufsize, linesep):
> f = open(fname, 'r')
> f.seek(-bufsize, os.SEEK_END) # goto one buffsize away from end
> log = f.read().split(linesep)[-8:]
> for i in log:
> print i
> f.close()
> def print_tail(fname, bufsize, linesep):
> f = open(fname, 'r')
> f.seek(-bufsize, os.SEEK_END) # goto one buffsize away from end
> return f.read().split(linesep)[-2:]
> f.close()
One of the key principles of programming is DRY:
Don't Repeat Yourself.
Where you see 2 functions with near identical code look to
see how you can combine them or reuse one of them.
In the case above if you make print_tail(*) take a numlines
parameter you can reuse it in print_log_end.
(*)But you shout rename it since it doewsn't print it returns!
So call it get_tail() or similar...
So the functions become:
def print_log_end(fname, bufsize, linesep):
for i in get_tail(fname, 8, bufsize, linesep):
print i
def print_tail(fname, numlines, bufsize, linesep):
f = open(fname, 'r')
f.seek(-bufsize, os.SEEK_END) # goto one buffsize away from end
result = f.read().split(linesep)[-numlines:]
return result
Note: The return needs to be after the close since othewise the close
won't get called explicitly - it is called implicitly by the file going out
of scope at the end of the function - and its good practice to explicitly
close the file
Alan Gauld
Author of the Learn to Program web site
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