[Tutor] Retrieving Data from Pmw.EntryFeild

Alan Gauld alan.gauld at btinternet.com
Wed May 13 16:23:03 CEST 2009

"Sampath Girish" <girishmsampath at gmail.com> wrote

> Ok.... Now i have one more target to reach. I need to add 1st and 3rd 
> fields
> in both the rows and place it in fourth column. Can u give me any 
> example?

Can you explain what you mean?
You mentioned earlier a 3x3 matrix of entry fields.
So you already have a 1st field and 3rd field?
And what do you mean by *both* rows? You have 3 rows?

It is not clear what exactly you are asking for.
It is also not clear what you don't understand. Can you give us
an example of what you have done and explain how it fails?

Alan Gauld
Author of the Learn to Program web site

>> On Tue, May 12, 2009 at 9:48 AM, Sampath Girish
>> <girishmsampath at gmail.com> wrote:
>> > Thank you Mr Kent for giving me reply. I've done with that this
>> afternoon.
>> > Now i got one more hurdle to cross. I need to take that data row wise 
>> > and
>> > add it to a grid of same size.
>> >          For example i retrieved the entire data into a list as you 
>> > said.
>> > Now i have to add it in the form of a grid(Its widget format is
>> > Tkinter.Label). i.e., I have to retrieve it from EntryField and place 
>> > it
>> in
>> > Tkinter.Label.
>> This should be just another nested for loop. Inside the loop you can
>> read from the EntryField and write to the Label.

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