[Tutor] serious problem with graphics module

Gregor Lingl gregor.lingl at aon.at
Tue May 26 00:45:12 CEST 2009

roberto schrieb:
> hello everyone
> i have a problem with python 3.0 graphics module:
> no problem while importing the module
>>>> import turtle
> but when i issue any command like:
>>>> t = turtle.pen()
>>>> t = turtle.forward(60)
> nothing appears on the screen, only a blank window, with nothing inside;
> may you give me some hint ?
I know one situation in which can happen what you describe:

If you use IDLE, issue the above commands and your Idle-shell-window
covers the graphics window - then you have to move the shell window in order
to see what's on the graphics window. Alas, in this situation the graphics
window may get nonresponsive (to the Windows-event-queue) and may not
be refreshed. So it remains apparentl empty. You may also experience
problems when trying to close the window (because of the same reasons).

*Remedy*: if you use the turtle module interactively, you have to use Idle
with the -n flag, which prevents it from using subprocesses for 
executing scripts.

I recommend to prepare a special shortcut on your desktop, something
like this:

C:\Python30\pythonw.exe C:\Python30\Lib\idlelib\idle.pyw -n

When you fire up Idle with this link you will get the text:

==== No Subprocess ====

above your first input prompt.
Now you can enter your commands and everything should work fine.


> OS: win Xp
> thank you in advance !

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