[Tutor] serious problem with graphics module

Gregor Lingl gregor.lingl at aon.at
Tue May 26 00:28:31 CEST 2009

roberto schrieb:
> hello everyone
Hello Roberto,

First question:

Do you use Python from the command line (terminal) or do you use IDLE?
I ask this, because these two show different behaviour.
> i have a problem with python 3.0 graphics module:
> no problem while importing the module
>>>> import turtle
> but when i issue any command like:
>>>> t = turtle.pen()
After performing this command you should be able to observe
a blank window with a tiny black arrow - it's the turtle

pen() is a function in the module turtle. It returns a dictionary
of the attributes of the turtle's pen. Have a look at it:

 >>> print(t)
{'pensize': 1, 'resizemode': 'noresize', 'pendown': True, 'fillcolor': 
'speed': 3, 'shown': True, 'outline': 1, 'tilt': 0.0, 'pencolor': 'black',
'stretchfactor': (1.0, 1.0), 'shearfactor': 0.0}

>>>> t = turtle.forward(60)
> nothing appears on the screen, only a blank window, with nothing inside;
> may you give me some hint ?
Hmm, in my window the turtle goes 60 pixels to the right and draws a 
black line.
The statement

 >>> t = turtle.forward(60)

doesn't make much sense, though. It calls the forward() function of the
turtle module and names it's return value t. Alas:

 >>> print(t)

Not really useful.

 >>> turtle.forward(60)

is sufficient.

What happens if you do this?

 >>> from turtle import *
 >>> for i in range(4):


> OS: win Xp
> thank you in advance !

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