[Tutor] IDLE shortcut doesn't exist except for in the Start Menu

Dave Angel davea at ieee.org
Wed May 27 03:21:45 CEST 2009

Gregory Morton  wrote:

> Looking in the directory for Python, I see no real sign of IDLE anywhere in it. The reason for why I want it visible is because I plan on storing Python (this is 3.0.1 by the way) in my USB thumbdrive so I can use and transfer it on other computers. Is there any logic behind why I can't access IDLE without relying on the Start Menu?
(I don't have 3.0.1, but I doubt if it's different from 2.6.2)

Idle is started from a batch file, but it just launches the idle.pyw file.

Both idle.bat and idle.pyw are in the  the   Lib\idlelib  directory 
under the Python install directory.

To duplicate what the shortcut does, change to the python install 
directory, and run    Lib\idlelib\idle.pyw

However, there is still a problem launching it from a thumbdrive.  You 
can't directly launch a .py or .pyw without having the file associations 
set up.  I don't know whether you can just run the pythonw.exe 
explicitly, or whether other stuff needs to be added, either to the 
environment or the registry.

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