May 2009 Archives by author
Starting: Fri May 1 17:45:04 CEST 2009
Ending: Sun May 31 23:35:22 CEST 2009
Messages: 543
- [Tutor] Guidance needed for script
- [Tutor] Import package module problem
- [Tutor] Python popen command using cat > textfile .... how to terminate
- [Tutor] Replacement for __del__
- [Tutor] clean text
- [Tutor] ?????
- [Tutor] ?????
- [Tutor] missing first argument on subprocess.Popen w/ executable
- [Tutor] Triggering code on 1 minute intervale ..
Dayo Adewunmi
- [Tutor] writing HTML code to a variable/file
Dayo Adewunmi
- [Tutor] need help opening a file in idle
Meital Amitai
- [Tutor] Different Command Result Executing in Shell vs. Program
Dave Angel
- [Tutor] Suggestions for while loop
Dave Angel
- [Tutor] moving files from one dir to another
Dave Angel
- [Tutor] finding difference in time
Dave Angel
- [Tutor] Iterating over list of functions
Dave Angel
- [Tutor] ?????
Dave Angel
- [Tutor] Python Function Doubt
Dave Angel
- [Tutor] IDLE shortcut doesn't exist except for in the Start Menu
Dave Angel
- [Tutor] Error installing review board on windows
Dave Angel
- [Tutor] [OT] EuroPython
Evans Anyokwu
- [Tutor] web cam
Ricardo Aráoz
- [Tutor] [Cheetahtemplate-discuss] cheetah is extremely hard to debug - error messages are non indicative TypeError: cannot concatenate 'str' and 'int' objects
R. Tyler Ballance
- [Tutor] Need help with registry access
Christopher Barkley
- [Tutor] Code Dosent work.
Stefan Behnel
- [Tutor] Parsing Question
Stefan Behnel
- [Tutor] t = (1, *(2, 3))
Stefan Behnel
- [Tutor] Iterating through a function list
Robert Berman
- [Tutor] Iterating over list of functions
Robert Berman
- [Tutor] Iterating over list of functions
Robert Berman
- [Tutor] Iterating over list of functions
Robert Berman
- [Tutor] Iterating over list of functions
Robert Berman
- [Tutor] Getting exposure to high quality Python code
Daniel Brown
- [Tutor] returning the entire line when regex matches
Nick Burgess
- [Tutor] returning the entire line when regex matches
Nick Burgess
- [Tutor] returning the entire line when regex matches
Nick Burgess
- [Tutor] returning the entire line when regex matches
Nick Burgess
- [Tutor] returning the entire line when regex matches
Nick Burgess
- [Tutor] converting xls to csv
Nick Burgess
- [Tutor] converting xls to csv
Nick Burgess
- [Tutor] converting xls to csv
Nick Burgess
- [Tutor] Toronto PyCamp 2009
Chris Calloway
- [Tutor] quick question to open(filename, 'r') vs. file(filename, 'r')
Bill Campbell
- [Tutor] Running subProcesses in parallel for mixed external Windows.exe and Python functions on specified CPUs.
Ian Campbell
- [Tutor] String formatting hex numbers
Tony Cappellini
- [Tutor] Optparse question: if only certain values are acceptable
Terry Carroll
- [Tutor] Optparse question: if only certain values are acceptable
Terry Carroll
- [Tutor] How to control the not existent keys in a dict
Emilio Casbas
- [Tutor] How to control the not existent keys in a dict
Emilio Casbas
- [Tutor] delphi, pascal and Python
Andy Cheesman
- [Tutor] Considering translating bash script to Python to learn
Dotan Cohen
- [Tutor] Considering translating bash script to Python to learn
Dotan Cohen
- [Tutor] Considering translating bash script to Python to learn
Dotan Cohen
- [Tutor] Find a good linux distribution with python.
Dave Crouse
- [Tutor] Code Dosent work.
- [Tutor] quick question to open(filename, 'r') vs. file(filename, 'r')
- [Tutor] Reset while loop
- [Tutor] Reset while loop
- [Tutor] Reset while loop
- [Tutor] Reset while loop
- [Tutor] Code Dosent work.
- [Tutor] paramiko again
- [Tutor] Suggestions for while loop
- [Tutor] Suggestions for while loop
- [Tutor] simply moving files]
- [Tutor] [Fwd: Re: simply moving files]]
- [Tutor] simply moving files]]
- [Tutor] Find files without __doc__ strings
- [Tutor] Find files without __doc__ strings
- [Tutor] Find files without __doc__ strings
- [Tutor] [Fwd: Re: Find files without __doc__ strings]
- [Tutor] web cam
- [Tutor] sqlite3 format data from tables
- [Tutor] sqlite3 format data from tables
- [Tutor] Post to wordpress
- [Tutor] sqlite3 format data from tables
- [Tutor] Using a list
- [Tutor] Using a list
- [Tutor] Class Tips
- [Tutor] Class Tips
- [Tutor] Class Tips
- [Tutor] Class Tips
- [Tutor] Calling method in parent class
Jeremiah Dodds
- [Tutor] Calling method in parent class
Jeremiah Dodds
- [Tutor] Calling method in parent class
Jeremiah Dodds
- [Tutor] Calling method in parent class
Jeremiah Dodds
- [Tutor] Calling method in parent class
Jeremiah Dodds
- [Tutor] Calling method in parent class
Jeremiah Dodds
- [Tutor] Calling method in parent class
Jeremiah Dodds
- [Tutor] Can't print a string, gives me syntax error
Jeremiah Dodds
- [Tutor] finding difference in time
Andre Engels
- [Tutor] Encode problem
Pablo P. F. de Faria
- [Tutor] Encode problem
Pablo P. F. de Faria
- [Tutor] Encode problem
Pablo P. F. de Faria
- [Tutor] Advanced String Search using operators AND, OR etc..
Alex Feddor
- [Tutor] Fwd: Sending Email - Outlook 2003 / Overcome Security Warning!
Alex Feddor
- [Tutor] Triggering code on 1 minute intervale ..
Alex Feddor
- [Tutor] How to set up an Array?
John Fouhy
- [Tutor] Parsing Bible verses
John Fouhy
- [Tutor] Parsing Bible verses
John Fouhy
- [Tutor] Shared FIFO?
Allen Fowler
- [Tutor] Shared FIFO?
Allen Fowler
- [Tutor] Mapping to an equivalent / similar object?
Allen Fowler
- [Tutor] Mapping to an equivalent / similar object?
Allen Fowler
- [Tutor] Need help with registry access
- [Tutor] Iterating over list of functions
- [Tutor] IDLE shortcut doesn't exist except for in the Start Menu
- [Tutor] Running subProcesses in parallel for mixed external Windows.exe and Python functions on specified CPUs.
Alan Gauld
- [Tutor] returning the entire line when regex matches
Alan Gauld
- [Tutor] returning the entire line when regex matches
Alan Gauld
- [Tutor] returning the entire line when regex matches
Alan Gauld
- [Tutor] Iterating over a long list with regular expressions andchanging each item?
Alan Gauld
- [Tutor] returning the entire line when regex matches
Alan Gauld
- [Tutor] Iterating over a long list with regular expressions andchanging each item?
Alan Gauld
- [Tutor] Advanced String Search using operators AND, OR etc..
Alan Gauld
- [Tutor] returning the entire line when regex matches
Alan Gauld
- [Tutor] quick question to open(filename, 'r') vs. file(filename, 'r')
Alan Gauld
- [Tutor] Conversion question
Alan Gauld
- [Tutor] Conversion question
Alan Gauld
- [Tutor] Tutor Digest, Vol 63, Issue 8
Alan Gauld
- [Tutor] Replacing fields in lines of various lengths
Alan Gauld
- [Tutor] Replacing fields in lines of various lengths
Alan Gauld
- [Tutor] Using read() before closing a file
Alan Gauld
- [Tutor] returning the entire line when regex matches
Alan Gauld
- [Tutor] quick question to open(filename, 'r') vs. file(filename, 'r')
Alan Gauld
- [Tutor] quick question to open(filename, 'r') vs. file(filename, 'r')
Alan Gauld
- [Tutor] Reset while loop
Alan Gauld
- [Tutor] Reset while loop
Alan Gauld
- [Tutor] Reset while loop
Alan Gauld
- [Tutor] New beginner book - "Practical Programming"
Alan Gauld
- [Tutor] Need help with registry access
Alan Gauld
- [Tutor] Optparse question: if only certain values are acceptable
Alan Gauld
- [Tutor] paramiko again
Alan Gauld
- [Tutor] Parsing Question
Alan Gauld
- [Tutor] Different Command Result Executing in Shell vs. Program
Alan Gauld
- [Tutor] paramiko again
Alan Gauld
- [Tutor] Sending Email - Outlook 2003 / Overcome SecurityWarning!
Alan Gauld
- [Tutor] Triggering code on 1 minute intervale ..
Alan Gauld
- [Tutor] How to control the not existent keys in a dict
Alan Gauld
- [Tutor] Guidance needed for script
Alan Gauld
- [Tutor] Alternative for Shelve
Alan Gauld
- [Tutor] moving files from one dir to another
Alan Gauld
- [Tutor] Calling method in parent class
Alan Gauld
- [Tutor] Calling method in parent class
Alan Gauld
- [Tutor] Calling method in parent class
Alan Gauld
- [Tutor] Calling method in parent class
Alan Gauld
- [Tutor] Calling method in parent class
Alan Gauld
- [Tutor] Considering translating bash script to Python to learn
Alan Gauld
- [Tutor] Calling method in parent class
Alan Gauld
- [Tutor] simply moving files
Alan Gauld
- [Tutor] simply moving files]]
Alan Gauld
- [Tutor] Calling method in parent class
Alan Gauld
- [Tutor] Retrieving Data from Pmw.EntryFeild
Alan Gauld
- [Tutor] (a, b) = (l[0:2], l[2:])
Alan Gauld
- [Tutor] saveing and loading text data
Alan Gauld
- [Tutor] Sorting a list
Alan Gauld
- [Tutor] t = (1, *(2, 3))
Alan Gauld
- [Tutor] cheetah is extremely hard to debug -error messages are non indicative TypeError: cannotconcatenate 'str' and 'int' objects
Alan Gauld
- [Tutor] Python popen command using cat > textfile .... how toterminate
Alan Gauld
- [Tutor] Python popen command using cat > textfile .... how toterminate
Alan Gauld
- [Tutor] Shared FIFO?
Alan Gauld
- [Tutor] performance loss -- profiling
Alan Gauld
- [Tutor] Replacement for __del__
Alan Gauld
- [Tutor] Replacement for __del__
Alan Gauld
- [Tutor] clean text
Alan Gauld
- [Tutor] odbc connection with python
Alan Gauld
- [Tutor] Iterating over list of functions
Alan Gauld
- [Tutor] delphi, pascal and Python
Alan Gauld
- [Tutor] delphi, pascal and Python
Alan Gauld
- [Tutor] sqlite3 format data from tables
Alan Gauld
- [Tutor] need help opening a file in idle
Alan Gauld
- [Tutor] A few very basic questions
Alan Gauld
- [Tutor] Find a good linux distribution with python.
Alan Gauld
- [Tutor] Search for hex data in file
Alan Gauld
- [Tutor] ?????
Alan Gauld
- [Tutor] A few very basic questions
Alan Gauld
- [Tutor] Can't print a string, gives me syntax error
Alan Gauld
- [Tutor] A few very basic questions
Alan Gauld
- [Tutor] Tinkering with Tkinter
Alan Gauld
- [Tutor] Python Function Doubt
Alan Gauld
- [Tutor] writing HTML code to a variable/file
Alan Gauld
- [Tutor] IDLE shortcut doesn't exist except for in the Start Menu
Alan Gauld
- [Tutor] Getting exposure to high quality Python code
Alan Gauld
- [Tutor] Displaying range in 3.0.1
Alan Gauld
- [Tutor] Mapping to an equivalent / similar object?
Alan Gauld
- [Tutor] creating interactive program with python
Alan Gauld
- [Tutor] how to get variable from an external script or program
Alan Gauld
- [Tutor] (no subject)
Alan Gauld
- [Tutor] Docking Windows using Python
Alan Gauld
- [Tutor] Using a list
Alan Gauld
- [Tutor] Why does it display traceback info here and not there?
Alan Gauld
- [Tutor] Class Tips
Alan Gauld
- [Tutor] String formatting hex numbers
Alan Gauld
- [Tutor] Why does it display traceback info here and not there?
Alan Gauld
- [Tutor] converting xls to csv
Alan Gauld
- [Tutor] Class Tips
Alan Gauld
- [Tutor] Retrieving Data from Pmw.EntryFeild
Sampath Girish
- [Tutor] Retrieving Data from Pmw.EntryFeild
Sampath Girish
- [Tutor] Running subProcesses in parallel for mixed external Windows.exe and Python functions on specified CPUs.
Tim Golden
- [Tutor] Need help with registry access
Tim Golden
- [Tutor] performance loss -- profiling
Tim Golden
- [Tutor] Getting file properties on winodws
Tim Golden
- [Tutor] Getting file properties on winodws
Tim Golden
- [Tutor] Getting file properties on winodws
Tim Golden
- [Tutor] Getting file properties on winodws
Tim Golden
- [Tutor] Challenge supporting custom deepcopy with inheritance
Michael H. Goldwasser
- [Tutor] Conversion question
Tom Green
- [Tutor] Conversion question
Tom Green
- [Tutor] Conversion question
Tom Green
- [Tutor] Sorting a list
Ataulla S H
- [Tutor] glob paramiko
Matt Herzog
- [Tutor] glob paramiko
Matt Herzog
- [Tutor] paramiko again
Matt Herzog
- [Tutor] paramiko again
Matt Herzog
- [Tutor] moving files from one dir to another
Matt Herzog
- [Tutor] simply moving files
Matt Herzog
- [Tutor] Docking Windows using Python
- [Tutor] Sorting a list
Walker Hale IV
- [Tutor] Python popen command using cat > textfile .... how to terminate
Walker Hale IV
- [Tutor] Find a good linux distribution with python.
Walker Hale IV
- [Tutor] Search for hex data in file
Walker Hale IV
- [Tutor] A few very basic questions
Walker Hale IV
- [Tutor] Python popen command using cat > textfile .... how to terminate
Noufal Ibrahim
- [Tutor] (a, b) = (l[0:2], l[2:])
Jabin Jezreel
- [Tutor] t = (1, *(2, 3))
Jabin Jezreel
- [Tutor] t = (1, *(2, 3))
Jabin Jezreel
- [Tutor] Encode problem
Kent Johnson
- [Tutor] Encode problem
Kent Johnson
- [Tutor] Why use decorators ?
Kent Johnson
- [Tutor] Encode problem
Kent Johnson
- [Tutor] Encode problem
Kent Johnson
- [Tutor] Encode problem
Kent Johnson
- [Tutor] Advanced String Search using operators AND, OR etc..
Kent Johnson
- [Tutor] Advanced String Search using operators AND, OR etc..
Kent Johnson
- [Tutor] how to reference a function itself when accessing its private functions?
Kent Johnson
- [Tutor] Encode problem
Kent Johnson
- [Tutor] Advanced String Search using operators AND, OR etc..
Kent Johnson
- [Tutor] New beginner book - "Practical Programming"
Kent Johnson
- [Tutor] glob paramiko
Kent Johnson
- [Tutor] glob paramiko
Kent Johnson
- [Tutor] glob paramiko
Kent Johnson
- [Tutor] Pythonic way to normalize vertical whitespace
Kent Johnson
- [Tutor] Optparse question: if only certain values are acceptable
Kent Johnson
- [Tutor] Alternative for Shelve
Kent Johnson
- [Tutor] moving files from one dir to another
Kent Johnson
- [Tutor] Alternative for Shelve
Kent Johnson
- [Tutor] Alternative for Shelve
Kent Johnson
- [Tutor] How to set up an Array?
Kent Johnson
- [Tutor] Calling method in parent class
Kent Johnson
- [Tutor] Retrieving Data from Pmw.EntryFeild
Kent Johnson
- [Tutor] Calling method in parent class
Kent Johnson
- [Tutor] The use of leading underscore in names
Kent Johnson
- [Tutor] Retrieving Data from Pmw.EntryFeild
Kent Johnson
- [Tutor] simply moving files
Kent Johnson
- [Tutor] simply moving files]]
Kent Johnson
- [Tutor] Sorting a list
Kent Johnson
- [Tutor] Sorting a list
Kent Johnson
- [Tutor] Sorting a list
Kent Johnson
- [Tutor] cheetah is extremely hard to debug - error messages are non indicative TypeError: cannot concatenate 'str' and 'int' objects
Kent Johnson
- [Tutor] finding difference in time
Kent Johnson
- [Tutor] Find files without __doc__ strings
Kent Johnson
- [Tutor] Allow only one instance of a process
Kent Johnson
- [Tutor] Shared FIFO?
Kent Johnson
- [Tutor] reading nested folders in gzip files
Kent Johnson
- [Tutor] performance loss -- profiling
Kent Johnson
- [Tutor] clean text
Kent Johnson
- [Tutor] clean text
Kent Johnson
- [Tutor] clean text
Kent Johnson
- [Tutor] Allow only one instance of a process
Kent Johnson
- [Tutor] web cam
Kent Johnson
- [Tutor] Getting file properties on winodws
Kent Johnson
- [Tutor] strings using Czech language characters
Kent Johnson
- [Tutor] Search for hex data in file
Kent Johnson
- [Tutor] ?????
Kent Johnson
- [Tutor] import aliases ?
Kent Johnson
- [Tutor] IDLE shortcut doesn't exist except for in the Start Menu
Kent Johnson
- [Tutor] IDLE shortcut doesn't exist except for in the Start Menu
Kent Johnson
- [Tutor] Getting exposure to high quality Python code
Kent Johnson
- [Tutor] creating a dict-like class - asigning variables... this one may take some thought ; )
Kent Johnson
- [Tutor] creating interactive program with python
Kent Johnson
- [Tutor] finding difference in time
- [Tutor] IP-range
Paras K.
- [Tutor] CVS File Opening
Paras K.
- [Tutor] CVS File Opening
Paras K.
- [Tutor] CVS File Opening
Paras K.
- [Tutor] Find a good linux distribution with python.
Norman Khine
- [Tutor] Iterating through a function list
Dave Kuhlman
- [Tutor] Calling method in parent class
The Green Tea Leaf
- [Tutor] Calling method in parent class
The Green Tea Leaf
- [Tutor] Calling method in parent class
The Green Tea Leaf
- [Tutor] Calling method in parent class
The Green Tea Leaf
- [Tutor] Calling method in parent class
The Green Tea Leaf
- [Tutor] The use of leading underscore in names
The Green Tea Leaf
- [Tutor] The use of leading underscore in names
The Green Tea Leaf
- [Tutor] Iterating over a long list with regular expressions and changing each item?
Dan Liang
- [Tutor] Iterating over a long list with regular expressions and changing each item?
Dan Liang
- [Tutor] Tutor Digest, Vol 63, Issue 8
Dan Liang
- [Tutor] Replacing fields in lines of various lengths
Dan Liang
- [Tutor] serious problem with graphics module
Gregor Lingl
- [Tutor] serious problem with graphics module
Gregor Lingl
- [Tutor] serious problem with graphics module
Gregor Lingl
- [Tutor] Suggestions for while loop
Richard Lovely
- [Tutor] How to control the not existent keys in a dict
Richard Lovely
- [Tutor] converting xls to csv
Richard Lovely
- [Tutor] Python popen command using cat > textfile .... how to terminate
- [Tutor] Python popen command using cat > textfile .... how to terminate
- [Tutor] Python popen command using cat > textfile .... how to terminate
- [Tutor] Code Dosent work.
Jacob Mansfield
- [Tutor] saveing and loading text data
Jacob Mansfield
- [Tutor] Iterating over a long list with regular expressions and changing each item?
Paul McGuire
- [Tutor] how to reference a function itself when accessing its private functions?
Tim Michelsen
- [Tutor] how to reference a function itself when accessing its private functions?
Tim Michelsen
- [Tutor] Parsing Question
Michael Morrissey
- [Tutor] IDLE shortcut doesn't exist except for in the Start Menu
Gregory Morton
- [Tutor] Displaying range in 3.0.1
Gregory Morton
- [Tutor] (no subject)
Gregory Morton
- [Tutor] Post to wordpress
Jan Erik Moström
- [Tutor] IP-range
Reed O'Brien
- [Tutor] Find a good linux distribution with python.
- [Tutor] Hi everyone
Doug Reid
- [Tutor] Hi everyone....thanks for the help
Doug Reid
- [Tutor] Can't print a string, gives me syntax error
Doug Reid
- [Tutor] Tinkering with Tkinter
Doug Reid
- [Tutor] Tinkering with Tkinter
Doug Reid
- [Tutor] Using a list
Doug Reid
- [Tutor] quick question to open(filename, 'r') vs. file(filename, 'r')
Larry Riedel
- [Tutor] quick question to open(filename, 'r') vs. file(filename, 'r')
Larry Riedel
- [Tutor] t = (1, *(2, 3))
Larry Riedel
- [Tutor] Allow only one instance of a process
- [Tutor] Why use decorators ?
Lie Ryan
- [Tutor] Code Dosent work.
Lie Ryan
- [Tutor] quick question to open(filename, 'r') vs. file(filename, 'r')
Lie Ryan
- [Tutor] Advanced String Search using operators AND, OR etc..
Lie Ryan
- [Tutor] Advanced String Search using operators AND, OR etc..
Lie Ryan
- [Tutor] Need help with registry access
Lie Ryan
- [Tutor] How to set up an Array?
Lie Ryan
- [Tutor] (a, b) = (l[0:2], l[2:])
Lie Ryan
- [Tutor] t = (1, *(2, 3))
Lie Ryan
- [Tutor] Sorting a list
Lie Ryan
- [Tutor] t = (1, *(2, 3))
Lie Ryan
- [Tutor] Python popen command using cat > textfile .... how to terminate
Lie Ryan
- [Tutor] Python popen command using cat > textfile .... how toterminate
Lie Ryan
- [Tutor] Find files without __doc__ strings
Lie Ryan
- [Tutor] [Fwd: Re: Find files without __doc__ strings]
Lie Ryan
- [Tutor] clean text
Lie Ryan
- [Tutor] Iterating over list of functions
Lie Ryan
- [Tutor] Hi everyone
Lie Ryan
- [Tutor] missing first argument on subprocess.Popen w/ executable
Lie Ryan
- [Tutor] missing first argument on subprocess.Popen w/ executable
Lie Ryan
- [Tutor] (no subject)
Lie Ryan
- [Tutor] creating a dict-like class - asigning variables... this one may take some thought ; )
Skipper Seabold
- [Tutor] creating interactive program with python
Skipper Seabold
- [Tutor] Advanced String Search using operators AND, OR etc..
Emile van Sebille
- [Tutor] quick question to open(filename, 'r') vs. file(filename, 'r')
Emile van Sebille
- [Tutor] how to reference a function itself when accessing its private functions?
Emile van Sebille
- [Tutor] Conversion question
Emile van Sebille
- [Tutor] Parsing Question
Emile van Sebille
- [Tutor] Parsing Question
Emile van Sebille
- [Tutor] How to control the not existent keys in a dict
Emile van Sebille
- [Tutor] cannot subclass imported type
Emile van Sebille
- [Tutor] Sorting a list
Emile van Sebille
- [Tutor] odbc connection with python
Emile van Sebille
- [Tutor] clean text
Emile van Sebille
- [Tutor] clean text
Emile van Sebille
- [Tutor] Iterating over list of functions
Emile van Sebille
- [Tutor] Error installing review board on windows
Emile van Sebille
- [Tutor] Advanced String Search using operators AND, OR etc..
C or L Smith
- [Tutor] Parsing Bible verses
C or L Smith
- [Tutor] Allow only one instance of a process
Vince Spicer
- [Tutor] Replacement for __del__
David Stanek
- [Tutor] Allow only one instance of a process
Sylvain Ste-Marie
- [Tutor] Replacement for __del__
Strax-Haber, Matthew (LARC-D320)
- [Tutor] Encode problem
Sander Sweers
- [Tutor] Optparse question: if only certain values are acceptable
Sander Sweers
- [Tutor] Python popen command using cat > textfile .... how to terminate
Sander Sweers
- [Tutor] Python popen command using cat > textfile .... how to terminate
Sander Sweers
- [Tutor] clean text
Sander Sweers
- [Tutor] Can't print a string, gives me syntax error
Sander Sweers
- [Tutor] CVS File Opening
Sander Sweers
- [Tutor] Displaying range in 3.0.1
Sander Sweers
- [Tutor] Find a good linux distribution with python.
Michael Bernhard Arp Sørensen
- [Tutor] Find a good linux distribution with python.
Michael Bernhard Arp Sørensen
- [Tutor] Alternative for Shelve
- [Tutor] Alternative for Shelve
- [Tutor] Alternative for Shelve
- [Tutor] Alternative for Shelve
- [Tutor] Alternative for Shelve
- [Tutor] Sorting a list
- [Tutor] Sorting a list
- [Tutor] Encode problem
Mark Tolonen
- [Tutor] Encode problem
Mark Tolonen
- [Tutor] quick question to open(filename, 'r') vs. file(filename, 'r')
Mark Tolonen
- [Tutor] delphi, pascal and Python
Marc Tompkins
- [Tutor] A few very basic questions
M Tramp
- [Tutor] A few very basic questions
M Tramp
- [Tutor] A few very basic questions
M Tramp
- [Tutor] A few very basic questions
M Tramp
- [Tutor] A few very basic questions
M Tramp
- [Tutor] reading nested folders in gzip files
Dinesh B Vadhia
- [Tutor] Using read() before closing a file
Eduardo Vieira
- [Tutor] Parsing Bible verses
Eduardo Vieira
- [Tutor] Parsing Bible verses
Eduardo Vieira
- [Tutor] Parsing Bible verses
Eduardo Vieira
- [Tutor] quick question to open(filename, 'r') vs. file(filename, 'r')
- [Tutor] Triggering code on 1 minute intervale ..
- [Tutor] Hi everyone
- [Tutor] Parsing Bible verses
- [Tutor] IP-range
- [Tutor] Find a good linux distribution with python.
- [Tutor] Tinkering with Tkinter
- [Tutor] how to get variable from an external script or program
- [Tutor] Docking Windows using Python
- [Tutor] Class Tips
- [Tutor] creating interactive program with python
Andre Walker-Loud
- [Tutor] creating interactive program with python
Andre Walker-Loud
- [Tutor] returning the entire line when regex matches
Martin Walsh
- [Tutor] Python popen command using cat > textfile .... how to terminate
Martin Walsh
- [Tutor] finding difference in time
Martin Walsh
- [Tutor] sqlite3 format data from tables
Martin Walsh
- [Tutor] Import package module problem
Eike Welk
- [Tutor] strings using Czech language characters
Leon Williams
- [Tutor] returning the entire line when regex matches
Steve Willoughby
- [Tutor] returning the entire line when regex matches
Steve Willoughby
- [Tutor] t = (1, *(2, 3))
Steve Willoughby
- [Tutor] t = (1, *(2, 3))
Steve Willoughby
- [Tutor] Python popen command using cat > textfile .... how toterminate
Steve Willoughby
- [Tutor] Python popen command using cat > textfile .... how toterminate
Steve Willoughby
- [Tutor] (a, b) = (l[0:2], l[2:])
Christian Witts
- [Tutor] saveing and loading text data
Christian Witts
- [Tutor] Sorting a list
Christian Witts
- [Tutor] delphi, pascal and Python
Christian Witts
- [Tutor] Iterating over list of functions
Christian Witts
- [Tutor] ?????
Christian Witts
- [Tutor] ?????
Christian Witts
- [Tutor] ?????
Christian Witts
- [Tutor] Python Function Doubt
Christian Witts
- [Tutor] CVS File Opening
Christian Witts
- [Tutor] CVS File Opening
Christian Witts
- [Tutor] creating a dict-like class - asigning variables... this one may take some thought ; )
John [H2O]
- [Tutor] odbc connection with python
mustafa akkoc
- [Tutor] Pythonic way to normalize vertical whitespace
python at
- [Tutor] clean text
python at
- [Tutor] clean text
python at
- [Tutor] Find a good linux distribution with python.
- [Tutor] how to get variable from an external script or program
shawn bright
- [Tutor] how to get variable from an external script or program
shawn bright
- [Tutor] how to get variable from an external script or program
shawn bright
- [Tutor] quick question to open(filename, 'r') vs. file(filename, 'r')
wesley chun
- [Tutor] Replacement for __del__
wesley chun
- [Tutor] Displaying range in 3.0.1
wesley chun
- [Tutor] Guidance needed for script
rony dsouza
- [Tutor] How to set up an Array?
nickel flipper
- [Tutor] quick question to open(filename, 'r') vs. file(filename, 'r')
bob gailer
- [Tutor] Pythonic way to normalize vertical whitespace
bob gailer
- [Tutor] Sorting a list
bob gailer
- [Tutor] Sorting a list
bob gailer
- [Tutor] need help opening a file in idle
bob gailer
- [Tutor] serious problem with graphics module
bob gailer
- [Tutor] Why does it display traceback info here and not there?
bob gailer
- [Tutor] Why use decorators ?
sudhanshu gautam
- [Tutor] cheetah is extremely hard to debug - error messages are non indicative TypeError: cannot concatenate 'str' and 'int' objects
mobiledreamers at
- [Tutor] cheetah is extremely hard to debug - error messages are non indicative TypeError: cannot concatenate 'str' and 'int' objects
mobiledreamers at
- [Tutor] How do you serve Cheetah in production? webpy+cheetah
mobiledreamers at
- [Tutor] problems with Cheetah base class being in templates directory
mobiledreamers at
- [Tutor] Different Command Result Executing in Shell vs. Program
robert mcquirt
- [Tutor] Different Command Result Executing in Shell vs. Program
robert mcquirt
- [Tutor] How to set up an Array?
- [Tutor] How to set up an Array?
- [Tutor] Python Function Doubt
- [Tutor] Python Function Doubt
- [Tutor] Can't print a string, gives me syntax error
- [Tutor] ?????
prasad rao
- [Tutor] ?????
prasad rao
- [Tutor] ?????
prasad rao
- [Tutor] serious problem with graphics module
- [Tutor] How to handle complexType returned by wsdl using SOAPpy
vishwajeet singh
- [Tutor] Getting file properties on winodws
vishwajeet singh
- [Tutor] Getting file properties on winodws
vishwajeet singh
- [Tutor] Getting file properties on winodws
vishwajeet singh
- [Tutor] Getting file properties on winodws
vishwajeet singh
- [Tutor] Getting file properties on winodws
vishwajeet singh
- [Tutor] Error installing review board on windows
vishwajeet singh
- [Tutor] Error installing review board on windows
vishwajeet singh
- [Tutor] Advanced String Search using operators AND, OR etc..
vince spicer
- [Tutor] Sorting a list
vince spicer
- [Tutor] Python popen command using cat > textfile .... how to terminate
vince spicer
- [Tutor] Python popen command using cat > textfile .... how to terminate
vince spicer
- [Tutor] web cam
vince spicer
- [Tutor] how to get variable from an external script or program
vince spicer
- [Tutor] how to get variable from an external script or program
vince spicer
- [Tutor] Encode problem
- [Tutor] Iterating over a long list with regular expressions and changing each item?
- [Tutor] Iterating over a long list with regular expressions and changing each item?
- [Tutor] Advanced String Search using operators AND, OR etc..
- [Tutor] Encode problem
- [Tutor] how to reference a function itself when accessing its private functions?
- [Tutor] Conversion question
- [Tutor] Replacing fields in lines of various lengths
- [Tutor] quick question to open(filename, 'r') vs. file(filename, 'r')
- [Tutor] Advanced String Search using operators AND, OR etc..
- [Tutor] Need help with registry access
- [Tutor] Pythonic way to normalize vertical whitespace
- [Tutor] Import package module problem
- [Tutor] How to set up an Array?
- [Tutor] Considering translating bash script to Python to learn
- [Tutor] Calling method in parent class
- [Tutor] Calling method in parent class
- [Tutor] Calling method in parent class
- [Tutor] Calling method in parent class
- [Tutor] cannot subclass imported type
- [Tutor] cannot subclass imported type
- [Tutor] Sorting a list
- [Tutor] Sorting a list
- [Tutor] Find files without __doc__ strings
- [Tutor] Shared FIFO?
- [Tutor] performance loss -- profiling
- [Tutor] performance loss -- profiling
- [Tutor] clean text
- [Tutor] Replacement for __del__
- [Tutor] clean text
- [Tutor] clean text
- [Tutor] clean text
- [Tutor] Replacement for __del__
- [Tutor] Allow only one instance of a process
- [Tutor] Iterating over list of functions
- [Tutor] Hi everyone
- [Tutor] import aliases ?
- [Tutor] Python Function Doubt
- [Tutor] writing HTML code to a variable/file
- [Tutor] IDLE shortcut doesn't exist except for in the Start Menu
- [Tutor] creating a dict-like class - asigning variables... this one may take some thought ; )
- [Tutor] Import package module problem
mandel at
- [Tutor] Import package module problem
mandel at
- [Tutor] Import package module problem
mandel at
- [Tutor] Import package module problem
mandel at
- [Tutor] strings using Czech language characters
- [Tutor] lession 4.4 on finding prime number was: (no subject)
- [Tutor] Getting exposure to high quality Python code
- [Tutor] Search for hex data in file
- [Tutor] Can't print a string, gives me syntax error
- [Tutor] Why does it display traceback info here and not there?
- [Tutor] Why does it display traceback info here and not there?
- [Tutor] [Fwd: Re: simply moving files]]
sli1que at
Last message date:
Sun May 31 23:35:22 CEST 2009
Archived on: Sun May 31 23:59:37 CEST 2009
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Pipermail 0.09 (Mailman edition).