[Tutor] Stolen thread: Bottom folk vs. toppers was trouble using2to3.py

OkaMthembo zebra05 at gmail.com
Thu Nov 5 19:56:31 CET 2009

I'm afraid you guys are witty! Good on you. Rob, you're right - and Alan,
you're right too. BRA-VO.

On Wed, Nov 4, 2009 at 12:19 AM, Alan Gauld <alan.gauld at btinternet.com>wrote:

> "Robert Berman" <bermanrl at cfl.rr.com> wrote
>  The war between bottom posters and top posters has been long, arduous,
>> and most often incredibly silly.
> It has, I agree but there is a very real difference in that gratuitous top
> posting does actually become unreadable if not done very carefully.
> And it also encorages people to leave the whole previous thread in
> place which is very naughty for those who pay for ther internet
> access by the byte! (Or those whose mail server implements
> space quotas!)
> But if a general comment is being made that does not need to refer
> to specific quotations from the earlier rtext then I have no problem
> with top posting. Provided all but a small context quote is left below.
> But please don't send me 3 pages of text to just add two sentences
> at the top!!!
>  I simply propose that the only requirement to communications here is
>> that replies and questions be well formulated, courteous, and reasonably
>> intelligent.
> Ah but there's the rub, what is "well formatted"? :-)
>  If there are going to be arguments pertaining to the posts, let them be
>> over content and not placement.
> When you are trying to respond to hundreds of emails a day a
> few top posted messages can cause severe headaches. Personally I
> just ignore anything that has top posting that is hard to read, I don't
> have
> time to unscramble it nor to waste time asking the poster to desist.
> If they post scrambled mail it doesn't get answered...
> So its not quite a case of the "color of the bikeshed" because this one
> does make a very real difference to the usability of the medium and
> to the success of the message in reaching its full audience.
> In most cases it doesn't hurt much but in longer threads it does.
> So, please folks, be sensitive to your readers.
> Alan G.
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