[Tutor] Local vs global

bibi midi bibsmendez at gmail.com
Mon Nov 9 06:03:08 CET 2009

On Sun, Nov 8, 2009 at 8:38 AM, Dave Angel <davea at ieee.org> wrote:
> You have the following line at top-level:
>   if ask.lower not in reply:
> But you're not calling the method str.lower(), you're just creating a
> function object from it.  You need those parentheses.
>   if ask.lower() not in reply:
> You have the following fragment in main():
>   print(intro)
>   choose_Cave()
>   ans = choose_Cave    # use: pass function by reference
>   checkCave(ans)
> which has two references to choose_Cave().  The first one calls it, but
> throws away the return value.  The second does not call it at all, but
> merely creates a function object and stores it in ans.  You need to
> your two intents in one line:
>   print(intro)
>   ans = choose_Cave()    # use: pass function by reference
>   checkCave(ans)
> Hope that helps.  Remember, that unlike Pascal, in Python you don't call
> function unless you include the parentheses.

Hi Dave and all,

My eyes failed me spotting the bugs :-) They are just staring at me
yet i miss to catch them. I guess thats the net result when one take
it too seriously haha (joke).

I fully agree function is not called when the parenthesis is missing,
you only call the object. About Pascal or VB i cant comment on them

The code works as expected now. I guess i have to move on to the other

Will be back here to bug you guys with questions :-) Thank you for so

Best Regards

Jonathan Swift  - "May you live every day of your life." -

Best Regards,
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