[Tutor] Logfile Manipulation

Stephen Nelson-Smith sanelson at gmail.com
Mon Nov 9 14:02:35 CET 2009


>> Any advice or experiences?
> go here and download the pdf!
> http://www.dabeaz.com/generators-uk/
> Someone posted this the other day, and I went and read through it and played
> around a bit and it's exactly what you're looking for - plus it has one vs.
> slide of python vs. awk.
> I think you'll find the pdf highly useful and right on.

Looks like generators are a really good fit.  My biggest question
really is how to multiplex.

I have 6 logs per day, so I don't know how which one will have the
next consecutive entry.

I love teh idea of making a big dictionary, but with 6G of data,
that's going to run me out of memory, isn't it


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