[Tutor] Question re: hangman.py

biboy mendz bibsmendez at gmail.com
Fri Nov 13 19:37:41 CET 2009

thanks a lot for the clarification Alan and all.

bibs M.

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Alan Gauld wrote:
> "biboy mendz" <bibsmendez at gmail.com> wrote
>> chapter 8: hangman.py
>> expression is: print(letter, end=' ')
>> it explained:
>> end keyword argument in print() call makes the print() function put a 
>> space
>> character at the end of the string instead of a newline.
>> however when run it gives error: SyntaxError: invalid syntax.
>> What gives? This is the first time i saw such expression inside print
>> function. Is this version-specific of python? I'm running version 2.5.4.
> Your tutorial is using version 3.
> In 2.6 simply put a comma after the string:
> print letter,
> to do the same thing.
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