[Tutor] Open Source database software

mjekl at iol.pt mjekl at iol.pt
Wed Nov 18 15:54:34 CET 2009

Kent Johnson wrote:
> On Mon, Nov 24, 2008 at 7:19 PM, Mike Meisner <mikem at blazenetme.net> wrote:
>> > 3.  A good GUI front end for creating the database, creating  
>> forms for user
>> > data input, queries, reports, etc.
> For this you might look at Dabo:
> http://dabodev.com/
> I haven't worked with it myself but some people like it a lot.
> PostgreSQL has pgAdmin which is very nice for basic admin but not for
> user applications.

This would also be my best advice.
The framework is very solid (core as been stable for a few years know).
Documentation exists, although it is lacking and scatered the mailing  
list is low traffic and very responsive.
I would not focus on using the visual tools, although a lot can  
already be accomplished with them (if you dig or ask you will find  
info on hand coding forms).
It is based on wxPython, and you can drop to that level any time. But  
in general you rather use the dabo interface as it will provide you  
with a much cleaner and productive implementation (quite marvelous),  
and with very good databinding.
Database access is abstracted so you can develop for/with SQLite and  
then just change the backend to one of a few flavours of choice (such  
as PostgreSQL, Firebird and other commercial options as well).

In a nutshelll :-)

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