[Tutor] x is a global variable

spir denis.spir at free.fr
Mon Nov 30 19:02:08 CET 2009

Hello Eike!

Eike Welk <eike.welk at gmx.net> dixit:

> Hello Spir!
> On Monday 30 November 2009, spir wrote:
> > which seems to indicate python really embeds "symbolic references"
> > (*) to outer *variables*, when creating a closure for g0. Not
> > "pointer references" (**), otherwise the replacement of x would not
> > be seen by the closure --like in the case of default-parameter.
> > Actually, I find this _Bad_. Obviously, the func's behaviour and
> > result depend on arbitrary external values (referentially opaque).
> If I understand you right, you are proposing that the inner function 
> g0 should get a separate copy of the global namespace. The copy should 
> be done when the function is defined. 
> When this would be implemented, inner functions (g0) would be treated 
> very differently from outer functions (f), with respect to global 
> variables. I would not like this different treatment. When a global 
> variable is changed all functions should see the change. 
> I think currently there are three 'containers' where functions can 
> find variables in Python:
> - local variables 
> - the closure, which is empty in outer functions (f.func_closure)
> - global variables, this is probably f.__module__.__dict__.
> The exact semantics of closures seem to be a bit tricky. Below is some 
> behavior I find surprising. I had expected that a local variable 'i' 
> is created in function 'inc'. Instead the function fails with an 
> error. (Producing the error is IMHO surprising, but sane behavior.):
> In [25]:def clos():
>   i = 0
>   def inc():
>     i = i + 1
>     print i
>   def pri():
>     print i
>   return inc, pri
> In [33]:inc, pri = clos()
> In [34]:pri()
> 0
> In [35]:inc()
> -------------------------------------------------------------------
> UnboundLocalError                 Traceback (most recent call last)
> /home/eike/<ipython console> in <module>()
> /home/eike/<ipython console> in inc()
> UnboundLocalError: local variable 'i' referenced before assignment

Well, this is certainly not specific to closures.

i = 0
def f():
  i = i+1
  print i
==> UnboundLocalError

Imo, in this case, "i = i+1" is a kind of "paradoxal injonction" (lol! not sure of the exact idiom in english). You tell python both to create a local i (thus ignore any other scope to lookup for variables called 'i') and to use global i to define the local one.
If I were the victim of such a "paradoxal injonction" I would reply with a naughty word!

> ---
> Eike.


la vita e estrany


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