[Tutor] New to Python

lfseeney at comcast.net lfseeney at comcast.net
Tue Oct 20 23:55:28 CEST 2009

Hello all, 

Just started looking at Python, I have not programmed in a good 8-10 years now, and find myself woefully behind. 

I was wondering if there was a Preset Menu and file system module for Python so I would not have to look at setting it all up? 

Trying to start again, Car wreck took me out for the last 10 years, and my memoery is lacking so I forget how things worked and now relearning things. 

Was never a true programmer mostly a trouble shooter for HW and SW development so I can scan and read code fair enough but was not the one writing code. 

So basically (pardon the pun), is there a good reference online for using the libariers to give me a simple Interface with pull downs and such, file system and so? 

Last time I did any real coding had to write that myself, of course that was before many on the list was born I would guess. 

So I need a site that can handhold be a bit til whats left in the little gray cells can start working. 

The Issue that brings this up is I want to put together a program to help Miniature Wargame Players run mid to long campaign games, with all the wargames out there one would think there would be more than a few of these about, but there are very few and the better one still works like a DOS program. 

I am trying to put together a simple, expandable system that will folks to track and write reports for each turn of the game. 

Thanks for the help, once I have some idea what I am doing hopefully I can ask questions that do not seem so dumb. 


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