[Tutor] Using IDLE v2.6

ALAN GAULD alan.gauld at btinternet.com
Sun Oct 25 15:54:07 CET 2009

> > Scipe/Notepad++  (but these may be windows only?)
> I've got Notepad++ running nicely under wine on my ubuntu install, and
> SciTE (which I'm assuming is what you meant) is open source and has
> versions for most platforms - it's based on the Scintilla editor

Yes I meant SciTE, thanks.
I thought it was available on Linux but Notepad++ is also based on 
Scintilla and as I was pretty sure it was Windows only I wondered 
if SciTE might be too. Thanks for clarifying.

> ActiveState (who make Komodo), also produce the ActivePython
> distribution, which is the usually recommended python distribution for
> windows.

Yes and it includes Pythonwin as standard too.

Alan G.

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