[Tutor] Tracking variable changes in a different application

Kristina Ambert krissy.ambert at gmail.com
Tue Sep 1 21:51:34 CEST 2009

Hi again,

The question might be a tad confusing, but what I want to ask is, if it's
possible to track if and when a variable in an application has changed, and
then grab the new content of that variable?
I have my product inventory database application which is attached to
another bigger application. Some of the data I need comes from that bigger
application, like for instance Consumer information (not handled by the
application that I'm working on). So, if the address of a consumer is
changed, how my application track the changes without having to do something

        class Consumer(objectOfSomething):
                  def updateConsumerInfo(newAddress):
                          newAddress = newAddress
#<<<not updating from here

instead only read from class:
        class Consumer(objectOfSomething):
                  def updateConsumerInfo(newAddress):
                          newAddress = newAddress

and track the change of newAddress from the function updateConsumerInfo in
class Consumer.

Is this possible to do? (if my question even make sense)

Thanks for any responses!

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