[Tutor] New guy question...

Warren warren at wantonhubris.com
Tue Sep 15 15:07:17 CEST 2009

First, let me say thanks for all the responses!  This definitely looks  
like a useful mailing list for complete noobs like me.

Second, I think my machine is probably set up a little weird.  I have  
Python 2.6.2 installed alongside 3.1.1 so maybe that makes a  
difference.  I'm writing programs in TextMate and running them from  
there.  Which seemed to be working fine until I ran into this "input"  

At any rate, I've installed 2.6.2 over again from a fresh download and  
I think I can move ahead.  The example works now as long as I change  
"input" to "raw_input".  This should allow me to get through some more  
of this tutorial book anyway.

Thanks again, all!  I appreciate the help.

- Warren
(warren at wantonhubris.com)

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