[Tutor] Using the time module to extract a semi-random number

Laurii the_only_katala at verizon.net
Thu Sep 17 00:43:53 CEST 2009

Hello all,

I am currently reading through the Tutorial for Non-Programers by Josh 
Cogliati.  I have had great success until now.

The exercise to modify a number guessing program from a fixed number "number 
= 78" to using the time module and use the seconds at the time the program 
is used to be the number. (i.e. if the clock on your computer says 7:35:25 
then it would take the 25 and place it in "number".

The following is what I have so far:
#    hilow2.py
#    This program asks the user to guess a
#    number.  If it is wrong the program tells
#    the user if it is higher or lower.  The
#    first one had a fixed assigned number.
#    This program takes the last two digits
#    of the time and assigns it as the random
#    number.
#*****************.h header files******************
from time import time, ctime
#**************define lists/dictionaries**************
#****************define functions*****************
#*************define global variables***************
the_time = ctime()
number = the_time
guess = 0
guess_try = 0
#****************Main Program******************
while guess != number:
     guess = input("Guess a number:")
     if guess != number:
          if guess > number :
               print "To High"
          elif guess < number:
               print "To Low"
     guess_try = guess_try + 1
print "Bingo! You are correct."
print "It only took you",guess_try,"tries."

I think it has to do with the fact that I am using the wrong time function 
and am not familiar with how to cut out the seconds and send it to the 
variable number.

I believe I should use the strftime(format[,t]) but am not sure how to.  All 
help is appreciated.

Thanks in advance,


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