[Tutor] Executing a command from a specific directory

Ansuman Dash ansuman.dash at gmail.com
Thu Sep 17 11:47:45 CEST 2009


I modified my code little bit and it is working fine now,

    if os.access("C:/Python25/Own.log", os.F_OK):
        f = open("C:/Python25/Own.log")
            line = f.readlines()
            a = string.join(line)

            if "Request timed out.." not in a:
                print("Ping is not successful.")
                pLogger.info("Ping is not successful.")
                print ("Ping is successful.")
                pLogger.info("Ping is successful.")

        pLogger.info("File doesn't exist")

But I have question to ask, as you can see I am using "time.sleep(30)" to
make my code wait. Is there any other way I can write my script to resolve
synchronization issues.


On Thu, Sep 17, 2009 at 12:13 AM, Steve Willoughby <steve at alchemy.com>wrote:

> > Ansuman Dash wrote:
> > >Now I am trying to validate that the command is executed successfully.
> > >I have written following script to validate the log file which is
> created
> > >after running the command.
> Notice what's happening here:
> > >            for line in f.readlines():
> > >                a=line
> This sets a to EACH line from the file, overwriting
> the previous one.  What you end up with after that
> executes is a holding the LAST line in the file.
> > >            if "Request timed out.." not in a:
> > >                print("Ping is not successful.")
> > >                pLogger.info("Ping is not successful.")
> Also... this looks backwards.  If "Request timed out.." is NOT found
> then the ping was NOT successful?
> --
> Steve Willoughby    |  Using billion-dollar satellites
> steve at alchemy.com   |  to hunt for Tupperware.
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