[Tutor] Simple Program

Corey Richardson kb1pkl at aim.com
Thu Sep 17 22:35:40 CEST 2009

I'm going to be making a simple program, that is a few books like "A is 
for...", "B is for...", but it will be many built into one, with a some 
sort of define(word) command, some sort of a find(word) command, and a 
few others. Looking for people to contribute, and make this a community 
thing, maybe each doing our own small 'chapter' or the 'book'. I also 
don't know if it is quite appropriate for this list, so forgive me if it 
isn't, and ignore it. Also, Alan, your tutorial is the bomb! Some of the 
simpler things I've seen done better, but you do an amazing job with it. 
It helps alot!
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