[Tutor] how to define a function with multple parameters

shellcom3 at juno.com shellcom3 at juno.com
Tue Sep 22 23:23:26 CEST 2009

I want to know how to use multiple parameters for 1 function

def display(message):
	print message

def rate_score():
    score = rate_score
if rate_score <= 999:
    print "that's nothing."
elif rate_score <= 10000:
    print "ok."
elif rate_score >= 10000:   
    print "great." 

display("Get  the meaning !")

raw_input("Please type in your score")
print "here's your score", rate_score
This is the outcome:

Get the meaning
Please type in your score50
here's your score <function rate_score at 0x025610F0>

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